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Avolta Business Consulting (ABC) Registration
Section I. Contact Information
Full Name
Enter the essence of your identity in the elegant embrace of this field
Your Best Email Address
Park your cyber carrier pigeon here
Arm us with your digits of destiny
Section II. Goals
I'm looking for: (select all that apply)
Business Consulting; professional assistance with starting/running your business
Resume Building; support in building a resume that will stand-out + feedback
Interview Preparation; guidance on how to ace upcoming interviews
Please select your preferred communication style:
Please select an option
Virtually (over Zoom)
In-person (Toronto, Canada)
Over phone (call)
Tell us more about your anticipated outcomes:
Preferred Day(s) and time(s):
How many hours of consulting/guidance are you looking for per week?
Section III. Final Notes
Any additional comments for us? (optional)
Legal Disclaimer:
I certify that all the information entered above is accurate. I allow Avolta Business Consulting (ABC) to store this information, for the purposes of setting up and conducting consulting services. I understand that consulting results are impossible to guarantee and hereby relieve Avolta Business Consulting, along with its parent organization (Avolta Inc.) and staff and any associated partners and institutions involved, of all responsibilites associated with my participation in Avolta's Business Consulting services.