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Full Name
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What's a number we can reach you at?
What position are you applying for?
Please select one...
Administrative Assistant
Content Creation
Electrical Engineering
Human Resources
Social Media
Software Engineering
2nd Choice
Please select one...
Administrative Assistant
Content Creation
Electrical Engineering
Human Resources
Social Media
Software Engineering
I am aware that acceptance to Avolta will bring me a rich diversity of non-pecuniary benefits, including but not limited to: a unique corporate experience, quality networking with peers as well as professionals, a solid resume component, new knowledge and skills, as well as an entry into the North-American tech industry.
I understand that all Avolta internship positions are unpaid; the internships are on a volunteer-basis.
When would you be able to start?
Please select one...
Immediately (preferable)
Summer 2022
Fall 2022
I am applying:
Please make your selection...
To fulfill a Co-op Req. (Internship)
Out of interest (Volunteership)
Question #1: Please explain, in a few words, why you would like to join Avolta Canada.
0 / 500
Question #2: Tell us about a challenge you have encountered and how you will apply what you've learned, from its resolution, to Avolta.
0 / 500
Question #3: What unique qualities can you bring to Avolta and how many hours can you contribute weekly?
0 / 500
Resume or CV
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Hand-sign/DocuSign the Avolta Confidentiality Agreement, found at:
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NDAs with typed signatures will not be accepted, voiding your application.
Avolta Application T&C:
I confirm that all of the above-entered information is true and accurate.
I grant AVOLTA full permission to use all of my information, entered-above, for admission purposes.
I acknowledge that submission of this application does not guarantee admission to AVOLTA; I understand that upon successful review of my application, AVOLTA may invite me for an interview. It is my full responsibility to constantly check for any emails and updates from AVOLTA in regards to my application.
Submit my Avolta Application